  • Statistics for Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • The population of Colorado Springs is 449,433. Of that number, 224,407 are Males and 225,026 are Females.

    Colorado Springs, Colorado population breakdown by age is as follows:

    7.57 % are Under Age 5
    7.63 % are 5 to 9 Years Old
    7.61 % are 10 to 14 Years Old
    7.31 % are 15 to 19 Years Old
    7.49 % are 20 to 24 Years Old
    15.31 % are 25 to 34 Years Old
    17.43 % are 35 to 44 Years Old
    13.23 % are 45 to 54 Years Old
    4.18 % are 55 to 59 Years Old
    3.15 % are 60 to 64 Years Old
    5.05 % are 65 to 74 Years Old
    3.08 % are 75 to 84 Years Old
    0.95 % are over 85 Years Old

    Colorado Springs Stats
    The Total Area covered by Colorado Springs, Colorado is 920.36 Sq. Miles.
    The population density in Colorado Springs, CO. is 488.99 persons/sq. mile.
    The Colorado Springs elevation is 6008 Ft.

    Enrollment and Education for Colorado Springs:
    124,530 students are enrolled in school in Colorado Springs, Colorado (over 3 years of age).
    Of those who are enrolled in Colorado Springs:
    8,255 students are attending Nursery School in Colorado Springs.
    6,927 students are enrolled in Kindergarten.
    55,091 students in Colorado Springs are enrolled in Primary School
    25,727 students attend High School in Colorado Springs.
    28,530 students attend College in Colorado Springs.
    Colorado Springs Employment Info:
    214,454 people are employed in Colorado Springs.
    10,467 people are unemployed in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
    Data on Household Economics in Colorado Springs:
    Household earnings breakdown:
    Under $10,000 yearly: 10,410
    $10,000.00 to $14,999 yearly: 7,762
    $15,000 to $24,999 yearly: 20,517
    $25,000 to $34,999 yearly: 22,188
    $35,000 to $49,999 yearly: 31,336
    $50,000 to $74,999 yearly: 37,999
    $75,000 to $99,999 yearly: 19,934
    $100,000 to $149,999 yearly: 13,539
    $150,000 to $199,999 yearly: 3,461
    $200,000 or more yearly: 2,995

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Request

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What Is The Age Of Individual Needing Cocaine Treatment?
Has The Individual Received Cocaine Addiction Treatment Or Attended A Cocaine Rehab Before?Yes No
General Situation:
Preferred Contact Method?Phone Email

Drug Rehab in Colorado Springs, Colorado

For people in Colorado Springs, Colorado who are struggling with drug addiction and need a way out, alcohol and drug treatment offers effective rehab options for any sort of addiction and any personal situation. Regardless of how small or advanced someone's circumstance is, there is hope for anyone in Colorado Springs, Colorado who wishes to take advantage of it. With the aid of skilled rehab specialists who understand how to deal with any and all drug addiction troubles, people in drug and alcohol rehabilitation can spend the time to heal and not just become sober but truly rehabilitated. So don't wait until you or an individual you love who is addicted to drugs or alcohol is at death's door or overdoses. Take effective measures immediately to put an end to drug or alcohol addiction once and for all with the help of treatment professionals at a Colorado Springs, Colorado drug and alcohol rehab facility today.

Unfortunately, some men and women are not easily satisfied not only to go to drug and alcohol treatment but that they have a problem at all. Individuals who may begin abusing drugs or alcohol in social settings or even begin abusing prescription drugs when legitimately recommended can very easily find that they are dependent and addicted to these drugs in very short order. Some drugs can have you hooked after just one use. When one is living just to fulfill their drug addiction and it becomes more important than just about anything else, this lifestyle can get out of control very quickly and cause serious consequences. So as soon as it is clear that there is any kind of a difficulty with alcohol and drug abuse, irregardless of how small or big, every chance must be used to get the person into treatment at a Colorado Springs, Colorado drug treatment center. Even if it seems like they won't oblige, there are steps that concerned family and close friends can take to get them there.

An established and powerful method of persuading drug addicted individuals that they do factually have an issue and need assistance is a drug intervention. A drug intervention can be done with just the intervention members, who are usually family members and friends closest to the person, or with the assistance of a professional drug interventionist. Due to the fact there may only be this one chance to convene an intervention and get the person in drug rehab, it is suggested that intervention contributors speak with a professional treatment staff member at the drug rehabilitation center of choice to seek out the help of a professional interventionist who can make certain that this course of action is a success. While there are no guarantees, a drug intervention works more often than not in getting individuals to drug treatment who have otherwise been in denial or would not go to rehab.

There are numerous drug treatment possibilities available in all areas of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and it is important that individuals and their families fully grasp the different options so that a complete recovery is guaranteed and is long term. For instance, it is simply insufficient to go to a center which calls itself a drug and alcohol treatment program but only gets the individual abstinent and through detoxification. Detoxification services are not by themselves regarded as treatment at all in truth amongst rehab professionals, and is common knowledge that individuals who only detox and obtain no further rehabilitation services are doing a great injustice to themselves and their loved ones due to the fact most will fall back into drug use. So people and their friends and family should not be fooled by what seem like a quick and uncomplicated strategy to drug rehab, as it can take several weeks if not months to handle all drug addiction issues after detox to ensure the individual has the best chance at remaining drug free for good.

It should not be understated however that expert detoxification solutions are a very vital part of the alcohol and drug rehab process. For example, some individuals will have an extremely hard time while detoxing and encounter intense drug cravings and punishing symptoms of drug withdrawal, which can actually be life threatening in certain instances. While many symptoms they will encounter can be quickly overcome within a short amount of time, they can seem like the end of the world at the time. if on one's own, most will simply use drugs once again to quickly eradicate the cravings and withdrawal symptoms entirely. In an alcohol and drug rehabilitation environment, detox experts will work to minimize these symptoms, make the person as comfortable and supported as feasible, and also decrease the risks affiliated with detox from certain substances which can be life threatening. As mentioned previously, this is the start of a significantly more lengthy course of action which the individual have to commit themselves to, so rehabilitation can be assured in drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

The process of becoming rehabilitated entails a lot more than merely just coming off of drugs, as quite a few years and stats have shown us. Soon after one successfully detoxes, a great deal of time will be spent in counseling and with the use of other proven rehabilitation strategies to uncover and handle the true causes of their drug or alcohol addiction. When these concerns are resolved, this in fact handles the factors the individual used drugs and alcohol to begin with so that they have to to do so when treatment is complete. At the same time, people are provided with the tools that will help them be able to cope with future scenarios so that drugs never become a remedy to a problem or issue they are having. Being armed with these tools and with a new resolve, men and women in treatment can depart drug and alcohol treatment knowing that they will not have the need to use drugs and alcohol as a crutch in their lives ever again.

If you suspect or are sure that somebody you love if caught up in alcohol and drug abuse in any way, it is important to take action right away to prevent any adverse consequences and stop addiction in its tracks. The initial step is to get in touch with a professional treatment staff member at a Colorado Springs, Colorado alcohol and drug treatment program to determine which rehabilitation option is ideal for the circumstances the individual is faced with, and what should be done to get the individual in alcohol and drug treatment immediately. If an intervention is required, rehab experts can suggest actions to take for this procedure as well.

There are 27 listings in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

Drug Rehab By City
  • AA Meetings in Colorado Springs:
  • Aa
    308 Suite I South 8th Street
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80905

    Wednesday - 9:30 AM
  • Living Sober
    308 Suite I South 8th Street
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80905

    Saturday - 11:00 AM
  • Candlelight Saturday Night
    308 Suite I South 8th Street
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80905

    Saturday - 9:30 PM
  • NA meetings in Colorado Springs:
  • All Souls Unitarian Church
    730 North Tejon Street
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80903

    Thursday - 7:30 PM
  • Community Alternatives of El Paso
    2945 E Las Vegas Street
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80906

    Sunday - 5:30 PM
  • Faith Presbyterian Church
    1529 North Circle
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80909

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • Fellowship Bible Church
    5590 North Nevada Avenue
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80918

    Sunday - 6:00 PM
  • First Friends Church
    2748 East Pikes Peak
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80909

    Sunday - 8:00 PM
  • First Lutheran Church
    1515 North Cascade
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80907

    Wednesday - 7:30 PM
  • Hillside Community Center
    311 S Hancock Avenue
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80903

    Friday - 10:30 PM
  • KISS Group
    1919 West Colorado Avenue
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80904

    Wednesday - 7:00 PM
  • Pikes Peak Area Service Office
    228 Auburn Drive\, Suite 2
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80903

    Friday - 7:00 PM
    Monday - 6:30 PM
    Saturday - 12:00 PM
    Thursday - 6:00 PM
    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Shove Chapel
    1010 North Nevada Avenue
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80903

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • South Church of the Nazarene
    1615 East Cheyenne Road
    Colorado Springs, CO. 80906

    Saturday - 7:00 PM
  • Al-Anon Meetings in Colorado Springs:
  • Simply ODAT
    7665 Assisi Heights
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Sunday - 9:00 AM
  • Broadmoor AFG
    4th St & Polo Dr
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Sunday - 4:45 PM
  • Sunday Central AFG
    2221 N. Wahsatch Ave.
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Sunday - 5:00 PM
  • We Are Not Alone - Beginners Meeting AFG
    1769 8th St Bldg. D
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 9:00 AM
  • Let It Begin With Me AFG
    1128 E Boulder St
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 10:00 AM
  • We Are Not Alone AFG
    1769 S 8th St Bldg D
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 10:00 AM
  • Courage to Change
    7290 Lexington Dr
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 7:00 PM
  • Attitude of Gratitude AFG
    1515 N Cascade
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 7:30 PM
  • Far North AFG
    5265 N Union Blvd
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Monday - 8:00 PM
  • Hi Noon AFG
    219 E Bijou
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 12:00 PM
  • Lunch Break Al-Anon
    6460 Flying W Ranch Rd
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 12:00 PM
  • Austin Bluff Literature Study
    4210 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Solutions AFG
    1515 N Cascade
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 7:00 PM
  • Hope For Today AFG
    6845 Shoup Rd
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • Parents AFG
    1515 N Cascade
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Tuesday - 7:30 PM
  • Serenity Courage & Wisdom AFG
    2111 Carlton Ave
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Wednesday - 10:00 AM
  • Never Too Late
    1010 N Nevada
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Wednesday - 6:00 PM
  • Freedom From Despair AFG
    315 Lake Ave
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Thursday - 6:45 PM, 7:30 PM
  • Experience Strength and Hope AFG
    7290 Lexington Dr
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Thursday - 7:00 PM
  • Thursday Night Men's Group
    502 N Walnut St
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Thursday - 7:00 PM
  • Hope AFG
    3010 W Bijou
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Friday - 10:00 AM
  • Serenity in Briargate
    7290 Lexington
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Friday - 10:00 AM
  • Freedom To Let Go AFG
    4720 Galley Rd
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Friday - 7:30 PM
  • Keep It Simple AFG
    3850 Pony Tracks Lane
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Friday - 7:30 PM
  • Esperanza Para Hoy GFA
    3425 N. Van Teylingen Unit I
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Saturday - 10:00 AM
  • Serenity Saturdays
    3425 N. Van Teylingen Unit I
    Colorado Springs, CO.

    Saturday - 10:00 AM