Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Cocaine addiction treatment is a vital step in cocaine addiction recovery. There is more to cocaine addiction treatment than just ending cocaine use. Cocaine addiction treatment also helps to restore the individual to their pre-cocaine using days and guides them to become a productive and functioning part of their family, workplace, and community. While in cocaine addiction treatment, recovering cocaine addicts learn about addiction, recovery, and relapse. They also address misguided beliefs about their self, others, and their environment. Attending a cocaine addiction treatment program helps the recovering cocaine user make lifestyle changes, manage their feelings, develop coping tools, and learn cocaine refusal skills. In addition, they learn to identify relapse warning signs and thoughts that may lead them to relapse in the future.
In early stages of cocaine use, almost every cocaine addict believes that they can end their cocaine use without help. Unfortunately, most attempts at ending cocaine addiction without cocaine addiction treatment result in failure. The individual is never able to achieve long-term abstinence. Research has shown that long-term cocaine use results in significant changes in the user's brain function that persists long after the individual stops using cocaine. These cocaine-induced changes in brain function may have many behavioral consequences including the compulsion to use cocaine despite adverse effects. This is the defining characteristic of cocaine addiction.
Cocaine addiction treatment can greatly improve an individual's prospects for future employment. Gains of up to forty percent have been show after a cocaine addict attends treatment. In the end, an individual's success in cocaine addiction treatment greatly depends on three key elements. The first is the extent and nature of the individual's cocaine addiction problem. The second is the proper fit of the cocaine addiction treatment facility with the individual's addiction recovery needs. The third element is the individual's involvement with their personal treatment program.
The length of time an individual needs to stay in cocaine addiction treatment varies greatly. However, research has clearly shown that the best cocaine addiction recoveries are based on an adequate amount of time in a treatment program. Generally, research has shown that for both outpatient and residential cocaine addiction treatment programs, a duration of 90 days or more is needed to see significant results. Unfortunately, many individuals who enter into cocaine addiction treatment drop out before achieving all the benefits that the treatment program has to offer.
Keep in mind, no single cocaine addiction treatment program is appropriate for all individuals. Matching cocaine addiction treatment settings and services to each individual's particular problems and needs is critical to his or her ultimate success in ending their addiction forever. If you or someone you care about is caught in the trap of cocaine addiction, then cocaine addiction treatment may be necessary to salvage a happy and healthy life.
This is not a problem that passes with time. Cocaine addiction is a life and death matter.