Woodlyn, Pennsylvania - Other Languages
Individuals in Woodlyn, PA. who speak other languages, other than English to be specific, should receive drug and alcohol rehab which is on par with individuals that speak English. Individuals who speak other languages should never sense that their treatment curriculum or treatment environment will be any less superior due to the fact they don't speak the English language. There are a few of drug and alcohol rehab facilities accessible around the Woodlyn, PA. area which cater to those who speak foreign languages, with a number of unique kinds of drug treatment facilities to choose from. For example, a number of drug treatment facilities which help men and women who speak other languages only offer brief treatment plans, however there are more intensive possibilities available. Individuals who speak a foreign language discuss with rehabilitation specialists in their Woodlyn, PA. area to choose a drug and alcohol rehab program which may be more suitable to their treatment needs.
- Child Guidance Resource Centers
Child Guidance Resource Centers can be found at:
2000 Old West Chester Pike
Havertown, PA. 19083
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Criminal Justice Clients, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance