Short Term Drug Abuse Services - West Haverstraw, NY.
Many people looking into drug rehab in West Haverstraw, New York may choose to take part in an inpatient short-term drug and alcohol rehabilitation program which only calls for a stay of as little as 4 weeks. This option could be be a suitable rehab choice for individuals that have familial or work obligations, and may require a brief but intensive course of rehab. Furthermore, individuals that have only a short history of alcohol and drug abuse might find that this may be a valid selection while somebody who has a more significant and critical history of substance abuse may be in need of a more in depth time in rehabilitation. If a potential client does have a more serious history of drug and alcohol abuse and decides to choose a residential short-term treatment option of as little as 4 weeks, it is very often required that the client receive standard follow-up treatment or take part in an aftercare program so that their sobriety can be supervised closely and so can receive the support needed in their rehabilitation process as much as feasible.
- VA Hudson Valley HCS Montrose Campus
VA Hudson Valley HCS Montrose Campus can be found at:
2094 Albany Post Road
Montrose, NY. 10548
914-737-4400 x2400
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Short Term Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Rehab for People With HIV/AIDS
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance, Facility Based Payment Assistance