Wampum, Pennsylvania - Other Languages
If an individual speaks English there are a wide variety of alcohol and drug treatment centers that provide treatment. If drug or alcohol addicted people who speak other languages need to have rehab, finding an alcohol and drug treatment facility in Wampum, PA. which can cater to their needs can be a bit more challenging. However, alcohol and drug treatment centers which offer rehabilitation in other languages are offered around the Wampum, PA. area and around the nation. The need to have drug and alcohol rehab centers which deliver rehabilitation in other languages is very evident, and persons in Wampum, PA. who speak a language other than English require quality care like any other client. To discover a treatment center which offers treatment in other languages, contact a drug treatment program in Wampum, PA. to discover which possibilities are available.
- Comprehensive Psychiatry Group Inc
Comprehensive Psychiatry Group Inc can be found at:
955 Windham Court
Youngstown, OH. 44512
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehab, Dual Disorders Rehab, Gays/Lesbian Drug Rehab, Senior Citizen Drug Rehab, Court Ordered Drug Rehab, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehab, State Financed Insurance - Drug Rehab, Private Insurance