Van Buren Point, New York - Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
There are several unique types of substance abuse rehab facilities in Van Buren Point which addicted clients can benefit from. For example, there are substance abuse rehabilitation programs in the Van Buren Point area which work specifically with somebody with a short history of drug and alcohol abuse and may possibly benefit from a short term drug and alcohol rehab program which will require the individual to remain in rehab for 4 weeks or less. Then there are much more extensive and long term substance abuse treatment programs in Van Buren Point which require a stay of 90 days or longer, based off of the individual's background of alcohol and drug abuse and other issues such as co-occurring mental health issues. Drug and alcohol abuse rehab services can be carried out as an outpatient or inpatient, with inpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation services providing substantially superior results because of a greater quality of rehabilitation facility.
- TLC Health Cassadaga Clinic
TLC Health Cassadaga Clinic can be found at:
33 North Main Street
Cassadaga, NY. 14718
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Rehab For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Chautauqua County Department of
Chautauqua County Department of can be found at:
200 East 3rd Street
Jamestown, NY. 14701
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Women Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Rehab For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance, Assistance With Payment - Seneca Nation Health System
Seneca Nation Health System can be found at:
987 RC Hoag Drive
Salamanca, NY. 14779
716-945-5894 x7612
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Hearing Impaired Clients
- Gage House
Gage House can be found at:
1813 Holland Street
Erie, PA. 16503
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Residential Shortterm Treatment Services, Residential Longterm Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance