Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less - Tangier, Virginia
Some men and women looking into drug rehab in Tangier may choose to take part in a residential short-term drug rehabilitation facility which only requires a stay of as little as 4 weeks. This may be a reasonable rehabilitation choice for persons who have familial or work commitments, and may need a quick but intensive course of rehabilitation. In addition to these circumstances, people with only a short history of drug and alcohol abuse might find that this may be an appropriate selection whereas someone who has a more significant and serious case of substance abuse may need a more in depth time spent in rehab. If a potential client does have a more serious history of alcohol and drug abuse and opts for a residential short-term treatment facility of as little as 4 weeks, it is typically suggested that the client follow up this treatment with regular follow-up care or take part in an aftercare facility in which their overall wellness can be monitored and so they can be supported in their rehab process as often as possible.
- Seafarers
Seafarers can be found at:
45705 Locust Grove Drive
Valley Lee, MD. 20692
301-994-0010 x5330
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Programs, Residential Short-Term Treatment that is 30 days or less, Residential Long-Term Treatment that is 30 days or longer, Spanish Services
Payment Categories: Private or Personal Health Insurance