Spanish Speaking Rehabs - Tabor, South Dakota
People who speak Spanish and are in need of substance abuse treatment can occasionally be discouraged by the concept that drug and alcohol rehab centers throughout the Tabor, SD. area only offer English speaking services. In truth this could not be farther from the truth, and many alcohol and drug treatment programs around the Tabor, SD. area have programs developed specifically for their Spanish speaking clients and are staffed with bi-lingual rehab professionals to assist in the treatment process. Whether outpatient, inpatient or residential rehab is necessary, there are a range of drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Tabor, SD. which provide Spanish rehabilitation curriculum which can mean the difference between relapse or rehabilitation. It is critical that addicted individuals who require substance abuse rehab are aware that this invaluable treatment is accessible.
- Dakota Counseling Institute
Dakota Counseling Institute can be found at:
910 West Havens Avenue
Mitchell, SD. 57301
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment Services, Spanish Speaking Rehabs, Other Foreign Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance