Stratford, Washington - Other Languages
If a person speaks English they can choose from a variety of drug rehab programs that offer rehabilitation. If addicted people who speak other languages need to have rehabilitation, finding an alcohol and drug treatment facility in Stratford, WA. which caters to their needs can be a bit more difficult. However, alcohol and drug rehab programs which offer treatment in other languages are available around the Stratford, WA. area and all around the country. The need to have drug rehabilitation centers which provide treatment in other languages is very evident, and men and women in Stratford, WA. who speak a language other than English need to have quality care like anyone else. To find a rehab center which offers services in other languages, get in touch with a drug and alcohol rehab program in Stratford, WA. to learn which options are readily available.
- Grant Mental Healthcare
Grant Mental Healthcare can be found at:
840 East Plum Street
Moses Lake, WA. 98837
509-765-9239 x5436
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehab, Dual Disorders Rehab, ASL Assistance, Spanish Speaking, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehab, State Financed Insurance - Drug Rehab, Private Insurance