Sauquoit - Substance Abuse Treatment Services
The different alcohol and drug abuse rehab programs which are offered to drug and alcohol addicted persons in Sauquoit, NY. can vary in a lot of various ways. Some alcohol and drug abuse treatment services are offered in a residential or inpatient facility, where individuals remain the entire time they are in rehab which offers a more conducive rehab setting. Others offer substance abuse rehabilitation services on an outpatient basis which allows for more versatility, though outpatient facilities are not always a suitable drug and alcohol abuse rehab service for people in Sauquoit, NY. who are having difficulties with serious drug or alcohol addiction problems. Whether or not inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehab programs are chosen, there are also different amounts of time that men and women will be asked to stay in the drug and alcohol treatment center. For instance, quite a few short-term programs offer programs for 30 days or less, while long-term centers will call for at least a 3 month stay.
- Catholic Charities of Utica Rome
Catholic Charities of Utica Rome can be found at:
1616 Genesee Street
Utica, NY. 13502
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Women
Payment Categories: Self Payment - Rescue Mission of Utica NY MMW
Rescue Mission of Utica NY MMW can be found at:
210 Lansing Street
Utica, NY. 13501
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less)
Payment Categories: Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details) - Insight House Chem Dep Servs Inc
Insight House Chem Dep Servs Inc can be found at:
500 Whitesboro Street
Utica, NY. 13502
315-724-5168 x266
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Men, Criminal Justice Clients, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details) - Insight House OP
Insight House OP can be found at:
500 Whitesboro Street
Utica, NY. 13502
315-724-5168 x266
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Women, Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance, Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details) - McPike Addiction Treatment Center
McPike Addiction Treatment Center can be found at:
1213 Court Street
Utica, NY. 13502
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less), Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Private Health Insurance, Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details) - Catholic Charities Diocese of Syracuse
Catholic Charities Diocese of Syracuse can be found at:
1505 Whitesboro Street
Utica, NY. 13502
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Men
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance - Rome Memorial Hospital Community
Rome Memorial Hospital Community can be found at:
264 West Dominick Street
Rome, NY. 13440
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance - Beacon Center
Beacon Center can be found at:
303 West Liberty Street
Rome, NY. 13440
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less), Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired