Santa Maria - Other Languages
If a person speaks English there are a wide variety of drug rehab programs that offer treatment. If drug addicted individuals who speak other languages need rehab, finding a drug and alcohol treatment facility in Santa Maria, CA. which can cater to the needs of these clients can be significantly more difficult. However, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs which offer rehabilitation in other languages are accessible around the Santa Maria, CA. area and around the nation. The need for drug and alcohol rehab centers which deliver rehab in other languages is very evident, and individuals in Santa Maria, CA. who speak a language other than English need top quality care like anyone else. To find a treatment provider which provides services in other languages, get into communication with an alcohol and drug treatment facility in Santa Maria, CA. to discover which options are available.
- Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family
Santa Maria Valley Youth and Family can be found at:
105 North Lincoln Street
Santa Maria, CA. 93458
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details)