Seniors/Older Adults - Redfield, SD.
Drug and alcohol treatment programs for seniors and older Americans offer services near the Redfield area and all around the region due to a considerable need for this sort of rehabilitation for this portion of the population. As older Americans reach their golden years, seniors and older adults make up a significant part of the population who require drug rehab for addiction problems. This is evident in the immediate future, but will grow to be extremely evident within the next decade when more and more seniors and older adults will desperately require treatment in alcohol and drug treatment facilities in Redfield and all over the nation. Alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers are preparing for this and are already ready and helping many seniors and older adults in Redfield who want help for drug or alcohol addiction, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation experts are accustomed to this group of client and have already rehabilitated many seniors and older adults all around the region.
- Main Gate Counseling Services
Main Gate Counseling Services can be found at:
208 South Main Street
Winner, SD. 57580
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details)