Assistance With Payment - Prairie Rose
Most individuals in need of drug and alcohol treatment will exhaust all resources to pay for their addiction, and are left with a small amount of money in the end to fund their treatment when they desire or need it. This can be extremely disheartening, but a challenge that is recognized by most drug and alcohol rehab centers throughout the Prairie Rose, ND. area, which is the reason most will provide some sort of payment assistance. Non-public alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers specifically will often aid the prospective client with payment assistance or sometimes even with with the person to find some form of effective alcohol and drug rehab program in Prairie Rose, ND. which they can afford. Payment assistance is an option that can be discussed with the finance department of any Prairie Rose, ND. alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility in liaison with the professional alcohol and drug rehab staff at the alcohol and drug treatment center.
- Southeast Human Service Center
Southeast Human Service Center can be found at:
2624 9th Avenue South
Fargo, ND. 58103
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance, Assistance With Payment