Port Orford - Partial Hospitalization Drug Treatment
Facilities which go by the name of Partial Hospitalization or Day Treatment programs are readily available to certain people in Port Orford, OR. who are having difficulties with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issues. These types of facilities can be helpful to those rehabilitation clientele in Port Orford, OR. that might not be able to afford inpatient care, or who are unable to take advantage of an inpatient facility because of familial responsibilities. Partial hospitalization facilities treat the client during the day through therapy and other rehab methods, and the individual returns home in the evening. Rehabilitation is carried out anywhere from five to seven days per week on a tailored program which is aimed at fully rehabilitating the client both physically and mind.
- KAIROS Coastline
KAIROS Coastline can be found at:
1500 16th Street
North Bend, OR. 97459
Treatment Services: Partial Hospitalization Drug Treatment