Osmond, NE. - Individuals with HIV
People who are dealing with HIV/AIDS and are also drug addicted are going to discover that there will be serious negative circumstances unless they search for and receive the treatment services they must have from a proven Osmond, Nebraska drug rehab center. Being stricken with HIV/AIDS can very often be a certain death sentence but misusing drugs or alcohol while sick with a serious disease such as HIV or AIDS hastens the progression of them and can also render the drugs which treat them virtually ineffective. This is why powerful alcohol and drug treatment centers in Osmond, Nebraska which acknowledge the many physical challenges involved when helping clients with HIV/AIDS is the only chance for such persons who are also struggling with alcohol and drug addiction. Individuals who have HIV/AIDS can extend their lives and even add a number of years to their life if they take the opportunity to avail themselves of the powerful rehab that is offered.
- Midtown Health Center
Midtown Health Center can be found at:
302 West Phillips Avenue
Norfolk, NE. 68701
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment Services, Individuals with HIV, LGBT Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Health Education and Addictions
Health Education and Addictions can be found at:
110 South Visiting Eagle Street
Niobrara, NE. 68760
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Individuals with HIV, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Rehab For Pregnant Women, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Assistance With Payment - Hampton Behavioral Health and
Hampton Behavioral Health and can be found at:
116 West Douglas Street
Oneill, NE. 68763
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Individuals with HIV, LGBT Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Rehab For Pregnant Women, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Siouxland Mental Health Center
Siouxland Mental Health Center can be found at:
625 Court Street
Sioux City, IA. 51101
712-252-3871 x256
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Individuals with HIV, LGBT Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Court Ordered Drug Rehab, Spanish Speaking Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance, Assistance With Payment