Dual Diagnosis Treatment - Osage
Mental and drug and/or alcohol abuse disorders can wreak havoc in the life of those persons whom are already struggling with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental issues. Though a lot of people in Osage, WV. that struggle with psychological disorders take drugs or alcohol to try and help ease the symptoms of their disorder, drugs or alcohol only make the disorder much worse. Hopefully most of these persons with co-occurring psychological and drug and alcohol abuse issues in Osage, WV. will get an appropriate Osage, WV. drug and alcohol treatment program with rehab experts who know how to spot these sort of circumstances. By treating both issues in tandem, clients can reap the full rewards of workable rehab and go on to live productive and drug free lives both mentally and physically.
- Family Service of Marion and
Family Service of Marion and can be found at:
1313 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV. 26554
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, LGBT Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Older Adults, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance, Facility Payment Assistance - Washington Health System Greene
Washington Health System Greene can be found at:
350 Bonar Avenue
Waynesburg, PA. 15370
Treatment Services: Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, LGBT Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Older Adults
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance - Axiom Family Counseling Services Inc
Axiom Family Counseling Services Inc can be found at:
630 Cherry Tree Lane
Uniontown, PA. 15401
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Private Pay Health Insurance - Another Way Inc
Another Way Inc can be found at:
708 Nelson Road
Farmington, PA. 15437
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Residential Long Term Drug Rehab Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Men Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed - Polaris Renewal Services Inc
Polaris Renewal Services Inc can be found at:
3591 Pittsburgh Road
Perryopolis, PA. 15473
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Drug Treatment For Pregnant Women, Women Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed - Louis A Johnson VAMC
Louis A Johnson VAMC can be found at:
1 Med Center Drive
Clarksburg, WV. 26301
Treatment Services: Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Private Pay Health Insurance