New Athens, Illinois - Other Language Programs
Substance abuse is a common reality amongst all cultures and all ethnicities in New Athens, IL., no one is truly immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language an individual is speaking, substance abuse will only be overcome with powerful substance abuse treatment. Drug and alcohol treatment centers which cater to people who speak foreign languages are offered in several areas of the county. These Drug and alcohol rehab programs in New Athens, IL. don't compromise quality just because of a possible language barrier, and deliver drug rehab that are commensurate or sometimes even better than comparable English language drug and alcohol treatment programs. Just because somebody speaks a language other than English doesn't indicate that they should be delivered less than superior care than another person who speaks English. Speak with a drug and alcohol treatment professional to locate a drug treatment center in New Athens, IL. that offers rehab services to persons who speak foreign languages today.
- St. Louis University Hospital
St. Louis University Hospital can be found at:
3635 Vista Avenue
St. Louis, MO. 63110
314-577-8000 x8748
Treatment Services: Hospital Inpatient Programs, Specialized in Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Services, Other Language Programs
Payment Categories: Self Pay Out of Pocket, Private or Personal Health Insurance