Facility Based Payment Assistance - Milton, KY.
Most men and women who require alcohol and drug treatment often use all available monies to pay for their addiction, and end up with very little money to ultimately pay for their rehab when they want or need it. This can be extremely disheartening, but a situation that is recognized by most drug and alcohol rehab facilities throughout the Milton area, which is why many will offer some kind of payment assistance. Private drug treatment programs specifically will often aid the individual with payment assistance or sometimes even with with the person to locate some type of proven alcohol and drug rehabilitation program in Milton that suits their budget. Payment assistance is something that can be discussed with the finance department of any Milton drug and alcohol rehab center with the help of professional drug treatment staff at the drug rehab facility.
- James Wortham Counseling Services
James Wortham Counseling Services can be found at:
975 Industrial Drive
Madison, IN. 47250
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Drug and Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Addiction Treatment For Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Rehab for People With HIV/AIDS, LGBT Drug Rehabilitation, Drug Rehabs For Senior Citizens, Drug Rehabs For Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Treatment - Men, Drug Rehab Help for Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, Private Pay Health Insurance, Facility Based Payment Assistance