Other Languages - Mentone, CA.
If a person speaks English they can choose from a wide variety of drug and alcohol treatment facilities which can provide treatment. If drug or alcohol addicted people who speak other languages require rehabilitation, finding a drug rehabilitation program in Mentone which can cater to the needs of these clients can be a bit more difficult. Nonetheless, drug treatment programs which offer rehabilitation in other languages are accessible around the Mentone area and around the nation. The need to have drug rehabilitation programs which provide treatment in other languages is very evident, and men and women in Mentone who speak a language other than English need quality care like anyone else. To discover a treatment program which provides services in other languages, get into communication with an alcohol and drug rehab program in Mentone to learn which options are available.
- County of San Bernardino DBH
County of San Bernardino DBH can be found at:
820 East Gilbert Street
San Bernardino, CA. 92415
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment