Residential Beds For Clients Children - Marshall, NC.
Some mothers and fathers never seek out help for drug or alcohol addiction because they are afraid that their youngster may end up in foster care with total strangers. Although this may sometimes the situation, some alcohol and drug treatment facilities around the Marshall, North Carolina area actually supply residential beds for client's children so that they can be helped at the drug rehab program while at the same time having their young children with them. This gives a feeling of relief to parents in the Marshall, North Carolina area that may in any other instance briefly or permanently lose custody of their children, but rather have their kids in their care which often gives them peace of mind. Both parent and kid can excel from putting themselves in such a rehabilitation environment while the adult gets the opportunity to put their lives back together, eventually being able to offer a fresh start for their little one once rehabilitation is finished.
- Mary Benson House
Mary Benson House can be found at:
450 Montford Avenue
Asheville, NC. 28801
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Residential Beds For Clients Children
Payment Categories: Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details)