Madison, CT. - Addiction Treatment For Teenagers
It is a fact that many adolescents in the USA become introduced to drugs and alcohol at a very young age, and a great many even turn out to be addicted and dependent to drugs. For adolescents in Madison that do wind up being addicted and dependent to drugs, adults have to take every action within their power to get the issues completely addressed before it's far too late. Or else, addiction will lead down a road that may decimate an adolescent's promise and hope for the future and any indications that drugs are in the scene need to be handled right away. You'll find drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Madison for adolescents accessible in every state, several of which cater just to adolescents and also have rehab specialists available trained specifically in working with this age range.
- Rushford at Stonegate
Rushford at Stonegate can be found at:
459 Wallingford Road
Durham, CT. 6422
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Residential Short Term Drug Rehab Services, Residential Long Term Drug Rehab Services, Addiction Treatment For Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, HIV/AIDS Drug Rehabs, LGBT Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance