Loretto, PA. - Addiction Treatment For Teenagers
It is a fact that many adolescents in the country use drugs at a young age, and some even turn out to be addicted and dependent to drugs and/or alcohol. For adolescents in Loretto that become addicted and dependent to alcohol and drugs, their parents have to take every action possible to have the issues completely addressed before it's too late. Or else, addiction will lead down a road which could destroy an adolescent's future and any indications that drugs have been in the scene ought to be handled right away. You can find drug treatment programs in Loretto for adolescents delivering services in every state, many of which deliver simply to adolescents and have rehab specialists accessible knowledgable specifically in dealing with this age range.
- New Visions Chemical Dependency Prog
New Visions Chemical Dependency Prog can be found at:
320 Main Street
Johnstown, PA. 15901
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Addiction Treatment For Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, HIV/AIDS Drug Rehabs, Drug Treatment For Pregnant Women, Women Drug Rehabs, Men Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients, Drug Rehabs For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance - Open Door of Indiana PA Inc
Open Door of Indiana PA Inc can be found at:
665 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA. 15701
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Addiction Treatment For Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, LGBT Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance - Mainstream Counseling
Mainstream Counseling can be found at:
900 Washington Street
Huntingdon, PA. 16652
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Addiction Treatment For Teenagers, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance