Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less) - Leesville, SC.
Many people who will need drug and alcohol treatment in Leesville, South Carolina may choose to take part in a residential short-term drug rehab center which only demands a stay of as little as 4 weeks. This may be a suitable rehabilitation possibility for individuals that have personal or office commitments, and only need a quick but somewhat intensive time in rehab. Furthermore, individuals that have only a short history of alcohol and drug abuse may find this to be an appropriate selection while an individual who has a more significant and critical case of drug and alcohol abuse might require an a much more significant and intensive time spent in rehabilitation. If somebody does have an extensive history of drug and alcohol abuse and chooses a residential short-term rehab program of as little as 4 weeks, it is very often suggested that the client receive standard follow-up care or take part in an aftercare program so that their overall wellness can be monitored and so they can be supported in their rehab process in every way feasible.
- Morris Village
Morris Village can be found at:
610 Faison Drive
Columbia, SC. 29203
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less), Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired