Lawndale, North Carolina - Other Languages
Drug abuse is an extremely widespread problem amongst all groups of people and all ethnicities in Lawndale, NC., no single race or ethnicity is totally immune. No matter which language an individual is speaking, substance abuse can only be overcome with powerful drug rehab. Drug rehabilitation facilities which cater to individuals who speak languages other than English are offered in several parts of the nation. These Drug and alcohol rehab programs in Lawndale, NC. don't disregard quality just because of a possible language barrier, and provide services which are commensurate or better than similar English speaking drug and alcohol treatment facilities. Simply because a treatment client speaks a language other than English doesn't necessarily mean that they should receive less than superior rehab services than another person who speaks English. Liaise with with a treatment expert to search out a drug and alcohol treatment program in Lawndale, NC. that offers rehab services to persons who speak foreign languages today.
- Catawba Valley Behavioral Healthcare
Catawba Valley Behavioral Healthcare can be found at:
350 East Parker Road
Morganton, NC. 28655
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehab, ASL Assistance, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehab, State Financed Insurance - Drug Rehab, Private Insurance