Lavallette, New Jersey - Other Languages
Substance abuse is an extremely widespread issue amongst all cultures and all ethnicities in Lavallette, no one is totally immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language an individual is speaking, alcohol and drug abuse can only be overcome with effective drug and alcohol rehab. Drug and alcohol rehab facilities which cater to treatment clients who speak languages other than English are available in many areas of the county. These Drug and alcohol treatment programs in Lavallette don't disregard quality because of a possible language barrier, and provide services which are right up there in terms of quality level or better than similar English speaking drug and alcohol treatment facilities. Simply because someone speaks a language other than English doesn't mean that they should receive less than superior rehab services than another person who speaks English. Liaise with with a treatment professional to search out a drug and alcohol rehab center in Lavallette that caters to people who speak foreign languages today.
- Ocean Mental Health Services
Ocean Mental Health Services can be found at:
160 Atlantic City Boulevard
Bayville, NJ. 8721
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Private Health Insurance