Laredo, Missouri - Other Languages
If someone speaks English there are a variety of drug and alcohol rehab facilities which can provide treatment. If drug or alcohol addicted people who speak other languages need treatment, finding an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility in Laredo which can cater to the needs of these clients can be significantly more tricky. Nevertheless, alcohol and drug treatment programs which provide rehabilitation in other languages are offered around the Laredo area and all around the country. The need to have drug rehab centers which provide rehabilitation in other languages is very evident, and individuals in Laredo who speak languages other than English need to have top quality care like anyone else. To find a rehab facility which offers services in other languages, get into communication with a drug treatment facility in Laredo to learn which possibilities are available.
- Lucas Cnty Health Ctr Counseling Servs
Lucas Cnty Health Ctr Counseling Servs can be found at:
1200 North 7th Street
Chariton, IA. 50049
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Private Health Insurance