Lakewood - Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services
There are many various types of substance abuse treatment programs in Lakewood, NY. which alcohol and drug addicted people can be helped from. As an example, there are drug and alcohol abuse rehab facilities which cater to a treatment client who has a short case of alcohol and drug abuse and may find luck at a short term alcohol and drug treatment program which will require the individual to remain in rehabilitation for 4 weeks or less. For others there are far more extensive and long term drug and alcohol abuse rehab facilities which involve a stay of 3 months or more, depending on the individual's history of substance abuse and other factors which may include co-occurring psychological issues. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs in Lakewood, NY. can be carried out as an outpatient or as an inpatient, with inpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehab services resulting in substantially superior outcomes as a result of a greater quality of treatment facility.
- Chautauqua County Department of
Chautauqua County Department of can be found at:
200 East 3rd Street
Jamestown, NY. 14701
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Addiction Treatment For Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Rehab Help for DUI/DWI Offenders, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance, Facility Based Payment Assistance - Family Services of Warren County Inc
Family Services of Warren County Inc can be found at:
589 Hospital Drive
Warren, PA. 16365
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Drug Rehab Help for DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance - TLC Health Cassadaga Clinic
TLC Health Cassadaga Clinic can be found at:
33 North Main Street
Cassadaga, NY. 14718
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Addiction Treatment For Adolescents, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Treatment - Men, Drug Rehab Help for DUI/DWI Offenders, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance - Seneca Nation Health System
Seneca Nation Health System can be found at:
987 RC Hoag Drive
Salamanca, NY. 14779
716-945-5894 x7612
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Hearing Impaired Clients
- Council on Add Recovery Servs Inc
Council on Add Recovery Servs Inc can be found at:
100 Main Street
Salamanca, NY. 14779
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Treatment - Men
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance