La Fayette, New York - Partial Hospitalization Drug Treatment
In an effort to make drug rehab is accessible to those with co-occurring mental health issues, Partial Hospitalization drug and alcohol rehab centers in La Fayette, NY. can provide rehabilitation in particular hospital and mental health hospital facilities for those who need rehab. Partial Hospitalization is the term used for this sort of drug and alcohol treatment program, because the individual takes part in drug and alcohol rehabilitation during the day and will then go home in the evening up to seven days a week. This is why these drug rehabilitation centers are also known as Day Treatment. Partial Hospitalization drug and alcohol treatment programs address drug addiction issues and mental health problems simultaneously in order to make certain that the individual doesn't relapse once drug rehab is finished.
- Centre Syracuse LLC
Centre Syracuse LLC can be found at:
3300 James Street
Syracuse, NY. 13206
315-671-2202 x2204
Treatment Services: Partial Hospitalization Drug Treatment
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, State Financed, Private Pay Health Insurance