Substance Abuse Treatment Services - Kanawha Head, West Virginia
The diverse drug and alcohol abuse rehab programs which are accessible to drug addicted persons in Kanawha Head, WV. can vary in several various ways. Quite a few alcohol and drug abuse treatment services take place in a residential or inpatient setting, where clients remain for the duration of their rehab which supplies a more therapeutic rehabilitation setting. Others offer alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation services on an outpatient basis which allows for more versatility, though outpatient facilities are not always a suitable alcohol and drug abuse treatment program for men and women in Kanawha Head, WV. who are having difficulties with long term addiction problems. Regardless of whether inpatient or outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation services are selected, there are also different lengths of time that individuals will be expected to stay in the drug and alcohol rehab facility. For instance, many short-term programs offer programs for 4 weeks or less, while long-term programs will demand at least a 3 month stay.
- Clarksburg Comprehensive Treatment Ctr
Clarksburg Comprehensive Treatment Ctr can be found at:
706 Oakmound Road
Clarksburg, WV. 26301
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance - Appalachian Community Health Ctr Inc
Appalachian Community Health Ctr Inc can be found at:
601 Walnut Street
Parsons, WV. 26287
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance - Valley Healthcare System
Valley Healthcare System can be found at:
448 Leonard Avenue
Fairmont, WV. 26554
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance, Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details) - Potomac Highlands MH Guild Inc
Potomac Highlands MH Guild Inc can be found at:
30 Maple Avenue
Franklin, WV. 26807
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance - Valley Alliance Treatment Services Inc
Valley Alliance Treatment Services Inc can be found at:
53 Don Knotts Boulevard
Morgantown, WV. 26508
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Categories: Self Payment - United Summit Center
United Summit Center can be found at:
100 Hopemont Drive
Terra Alta, WV. 26764
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days)
Payment Categories: Payment Assistance (Check With Facility For Details)