Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services - Jonesville, KY.
There are numerous unique types of drug and alcohol abuse rehab services in Jonesville which drug and alcohol addicted individuals can take advantage of. As an example, there are substance abuse treatment facilities which may be especially beneficial for a treatment client with a very brief background of substance abuse and may benefit from a short term drug treatment facility which will call for the person to stay in treatment for a month or less. For others there are much more intensive and long term alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers which require a stay of 3 months or more, depending on the individual's history of substance abuse and other things to be considered including co-occurring psychological disorders. Substance abuse treatment services in Jonesville can be completed as an outpatient or as an inpatient, with inpatient substance abuse rehabilitation services resulting in significantly better results because of a greater quality of rehabilitation facility.
- AA and Associates
AA and Associates can be found at:
402 Main Street
Carrollton, KY. 41008
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Women Drug Rehabs, Men Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish Speaking Drug Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs - Alcohol Services of Kentucky
Alcohol Services of Kentucky can be found at:
7505 Sussex Drive
Florence, KY. 41042
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs - Commonwealth Subst Abuse Specialists
Commonwealth Subst Abuse Specialists can be found at:
7000 Houston Road
Florence, KY. 41042
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs - Awareness and Discovery Group LLC
Awareness and Discovery Group LLC can be found at:
2 Dortha Avenue
Florence, KY. 41042
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Addiction Treatment For Teenagers, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Drug Rehabs For Older Adults, Women Drug Rehabs, Men Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders, Drug Rehabs For Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish Speaking Drug Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Private Pay Health Insurance - Commonwealth Counseling Service Inc
Commonwealth Counseling Service Inc can be found at:
7210 Turfway Road
Florence, KY. 41042
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Private Pay Health Insurance - Gratetful Life Center
Gratetful Life Center can be found at:
305 Pleasure Isle Drive
Fort Mitchell, KY. 41017
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Residential Long Term Drug Rehab Services, Drug Rehabs For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Facility Payment Assistance - East Indiana Treatment Center LLC
East Indiana Treatment Center LLC can be found at:
816 Rudolph Way
Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification, Methadone Cessation and Detox, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, HIV/AIDS Drug Rehabs, LGBT Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehabs For Older Adults, Drug Treatment For Pregnant Women, Women Drug Rehabs, Men Drug Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs, Private Pay Health Insurance - NKY Med Clinic LLC
NKY Med Clinic LLC can be found at:
1717 Madison Avenue
Covington, KY. 41011
859-360-0250 x344
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification, Methadone Cessation and Detox, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Drug Treatment For Pregnant Women, Drug Rehabs For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs - Commonwealth Substance Abuse
Commonwealth Substance Abuse can be found at:
525 5th Street
Covington, KY. 41011
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Services, Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Services, Drug Rehabs For DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehabs