Hughesville, Maryland - Other Language Programs
Drug abuse is such a prevalent problem amongst all cultures and all ethnicities in Hughesville, MD., no single race or ethnicity is truly immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language a substance abuser speaks, alcohol and drug abuse can only be overcome with powerful drug and alcohol rehab. Drug and alcohol rehab programs which provide treatment for individuals who speak languages other than English are available in several parts of the nation. These Drug rehab facilities in Hughesville, MD. don't disregard quality just because of language, and offer drug rehab which are commensurate or sometimes even better than similar English speaking drug rehab facilities. Simply because someone only speaks another language doesn't necessarily mean that they should receive less than superior rehab services than another individual. Liaise with with a drug and alcohol treatment specialist to find a drug rehabilitation center in Hughesville, MD. which caters to prospective clients who speak foreign languages today.
- Center for Children Inc
Center for Children Inc can be found at:
6100 Radio Station Road
La Plata, MD. 20646
301-609-9887 x126
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment, Co-Occurring Mental with Substance Abuse Issues, Criminal Justice Client Programs, Other Language Programs
Payment Categories: Self Pay (Out of Pocket), State Financed Insurance besides Medicaid, Private or Personal Health Insurance