Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - Hailey, Idaho
The various alcohol and drug abuse treatment services which are offered to alcohol and drug addicted individuals in Hailey, ID. can vary in several various ways. Quite a few drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs are offered in a residential or inpatient setting, where clientele reside the entire time they are in treatment which offers a more conducive treatment setting. Others offer alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation programs on an outpatient basis which provides a sense of flexibility, although outpatient programs may not be a suitable drug and alcohol abuse treatment service for people in Hailey, ID. who are struggling with long term drug addiction issues. Whether or not inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehab services are selected, there are varying lengths of time that individuals will be asked to remain in the drug rehab facility. For instance, many short-term programs offer services for a month or less, while long-term facilities will require at least a 90 day stay.
- Positive Connections Plus LLC
Positive Connections Plus LLC can be found at:
141 Citation Way
Hailey, ID. 83333
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance, Assistance With Payment - Mental Wellness Centers
Mental Wellness Centers can be found at:
159 North Idaho Street
Arco, ID. 83213
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Positive Connections Plus LLC
Positive Connections Plus LLC can be found at:
1373 Fillmore Street
Twin Falls, ID. 83301
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Rehab For Pregnant Women, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Rehab For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Crosspointe Family Services
Crosspointe Family Services can be found at:
1363 Fillmore Street
Twin Falls, ID. 83301
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Individuals with HIV, LGBT Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Rehab For Pregnant Women, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Rainbows End Recovery Center LLC
Rainbows End Recovery Center LLC can be found at:
25341 Highway 93
Challis, ID. 83226
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Drug and Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Treatment Services, Residential Shortterm Treatment Services, Residential Longterm Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, Personal Health Insurance - Walker Center
Walker Center can be found at:
762 Falls Avenue
Twin Falls, ID. 83301
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Twin Falls County
Twin Falls County can be found at:
630 Addison Avenue West
Twin Falls, ID. 83301
208-736-5048 x2226
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Rehab For Adolescents, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Court Ordered Drug Rehab, Other Foreign Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Personal Health Insurance - Lifestyle Changes Counseling
Lifestyle Changes Counseling can be found at:
219 Gooding Street North
Twin Falls, ID. 83301
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Court Ordered Drug Rehab, Spanish Speaking Rehabs
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab