Frisco, NC. - Other Languages
Persons in Frisco, North Carolina who speak using other languages or dialects, other than English to be specific, should obtain drug rehab which is on par with individuals that speak English. Individuals who speak other languages do not have to sense that their treatment curriculum or treatment environment will be any less effective due to the fact they are not fluent in the English language. There are some of alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers offered around the Frisco, North Carolina area that specifically treat those who speak foreign languages, with a variety of unique types of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs to decide from. For instance, many drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers which can treat individuals who speak other languages are only short term programs, but there are additional intensive possibilities available. Individuals who speak a foreign language can consult with rehabilitation specialists in their Frisco, North Carolina area to locate a drug and alcohol treatment facility which may be more suitable to their needs.
- DREAM Provider Care Services
DREAM Provider Care Services can be found at:
216 Stewart Parkway
Washington, NC. 27889
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Rehab, Dual Disorders Rehab, Spanish Speaking, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Pay Drug Rehab, State Financed Insurance - Drug Rehab, Private Insurance, Payment Assistance