Elkton, Maryland - Short Term Drug Abuse Services
Many people that need drug and alcohol treatment in Elkton, MD. may may be opt for a residential short-term drug rehab facility which only demands a stay of as little as 4 weeks. This may perhaps be an appropriate treatment for people that have family or office obligations, and may just need a short but intense course of rehab. Furthermore, individuals with a very short background of drug and alcohol abuse might find this to be an appropriate choice whereas somebody in Elkton, MD. that has a more extensive and severe case of drug and/or alcohol abuse may possibly need a more extensive course of rehabilitation. If someone does have a more severe history of drug and alcohol abuse and chooses an Elkton, MD. residential short-term treatment option of as little as a month, it is often encouraged that the client adhere to typical follow-up treatment or participate in an aftercare program so that their development can be verified and so they can be supported in their rehab process in every way possible.
- Ashley Addiction Treatment OP IOP
Ashley Addiction Treatment OP IOP can be found at:
111 High Street
Elkton, MD. 21921
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Drug and Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Short Term Drug Abuse Services, Long Term Drug Abuse Services, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking Assistance