Assistance With Payment - Chesterfield, SC.
Most individuals who require alcohol and drug treatment will exhaust all resources to fund their addiction, and end up with very little money to ultimately pay for their treatment when they want or need it. This can be extremely disheartening, but a reality that is recognized by most drug and alcohol rehab programs throughout the Chesterfield, South Carolina area, which is why most will offer some sort of payment assistance. Non-public alcohol and drug rehab centers particularly will often assist the prospective client with payment assistance or at the very least work with the addicted person to find some type of proven alcohol and drug treatment facility in Chesterfield, South Carolina which they can afford. Payment assistance is an option that can be gone over with the finance department of any Chesterfield, South Carolina drug rehab facility in liaison with the professional drug and alcohol treatment staff at the alcohol and drug treatment facility.
- Good Samaritan Colony
Good Samaritan Colony can be found at:
19147 Highway 9
Ruby, SC. 29741
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Residential Longterm Treatment Services, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Men Rehabs, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Assistance With Payment - Rubicon Family Counseling Center
Rubicon Family Counseling Center can be found at:
510 East Carolina Avenue
Hartsville, SC. 29550
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Individuals with HIV, Rehab For Pregnant Women, Women Rehabs, Men Rehabs, Rehab For DUI Offenders, Court Ordered Drug Rehab, Rehab For Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, State Financed (not medicaid), Assistance With Payment