Other Languages - Canterbury
Drug and alcohol abuse is such a prevalent reality among all races of people and all ethnicities in Canterbury, NH., no single race or ethnicity is truly immune to this serious problem. Regardless which language an individual is speaking, drug and alcohol abuse can only be overcome with powerful drug and alcohol rehab. Drug rehab centers which cater to persons who speak languages other than English are available in many areas of the county. These Drug rehabilitation centers in Canterbury, NH. don't disregard quality because of language, and provide services that are commensurate or better than similar English speaking drug and alcohol rehab facilities. Simply because somebody only speaks another language doesn't suggest that they should be delivered inferior treatment than another English speaking treatment client. Contact with a drug rehab professional to search out a drug rehabilitation center in Canterbury, NH. that offers rehab services to prospective clients who speak languages other than English today.
- Pine Haven Boys Center
Pine Haven Boys Center can be found at:
133 River Road
Suncook, NH. 3275
Treatment Services: Spanish Speaking, Other Languages