Camden Wyoming, Delaware - Other Languages
If someone speaks English there are a variety of drug and alcohol treatment centers that offer rehab. If drug or alcohol addicted people who speak other languages require rehabilitation, discovering a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Camden Wyoming, DE. which can cater to the needs of these clients can be a bit more challenging. However, drug and alcohol treatment facilities which provide rehabilitation in other languages are available around the Camden Wyoming, DE. area and around the nation. The need to have drug and alcohol treatment programs which provide treatment in other languages is very evident, and individuals in Camden Wyoming, DE. who speak a language other than English need quality care like anyone else. To find a rehab provider which offers treatment in other languages, get in touch with an alcohol and drug treatment facility in Camden Wyoming, DE. to discover which options are readily available.
- La Red Health Center
La Red Health Center can be found at:
21444 Carmean Way
Georgetown, DE. 19947
302-855-1233 x1116
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Spanish, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance