Burke - Native Language Assistance
Due to the fact that Native American and Alaska Native people typically have extremely high rates of alcohol and drug misuse, it is critical that drug and alcohol rehab programs be made offered to those in Burke, SD. which are culturally acceptable and offer treatment in their native tongue if required. Because Native Americans and Alaska Natives do sometimes use drugs or alcohol due to cultural difficulties, it is clear that these issues may be a challenge in treatment. If the treatment program recognize these problems, rehab will progress more smoothly and there will be a much better probability at full rehab. For example, rehab which is supplied in the native tongue of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is going to result in superior outcomes for these cultures in Burke, SD., due to the fact this will ensure that each and every phase of the process is comprehended by both the individual in treatment and rehabilitation experts.
- PHS Indian Hospital
PHS Indian Hospital can be found at:
400 Soldier Creek Road
Rosebud, SD. 57570
605-747-2231 x3265
Treatment Services: Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Native Language Assistance
Payment Categories: Private Pay Health Insurance, Facility Based Payment Assistance