Assistance With Payment - Beverly Hills, CA.
Drug and alcohol treatment programs across the globe are typically ready and willing to work dilligently with with possible rehab clients in regards to how to finance their drug rehabilitation program. The majority of drug rehab facilities in Beverly Hills, California will consult with individuals on an individual basis and devise some sort of payment assistance as required. Private drug rehab centers are not as inclined to provide payment assistance, although some do and it is an in the client's best interests to check with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility's finance division to see if some sort of payment assistance can be devised if that is the drug rehabilitation center in Beverly Hills, California which meets the individual's treatment requirements. If the payment assistance can be arranged this is clearly the most desirable turn of events, but if it can't most drug and alcohol treatment counselors will assist the person find some kind of proven drug and alcohol rehabilitation center which they can pay for so they can obtain the treatment they require.
- Alcott Center for Mental Health Servs
Alcott Center for Mental Health Servs can be found at:
1433 South Robertson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90035
310-785-2121 x202
Treatment Services: Outpatient Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Drug Rehab For Older Adults, Other Foreign Languages
Payment Categories: Assistance With Payment - Beit T Shuvah
Beit T Shuvah can be found at:
8831 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA. 90034
310-204-5200 x427
Treatment Services: Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Treatment Services, Residential Shortterm Treatment Services, Residential Longterm Treatment Services, Co-Occurring Mental And Drug Abuse Disorders, Men Rehabs, Court Ordered Drug Rehab
Payment Categories: Self Payment Drug Rehab, Personal Health Insurance, Assistance With Payment