Altamont, UT. - Native American Or Alaska Native Languages
Due to the fact that Native American and Alaska Native people typically have very high rates of drug and alcohol abuse, it is critical that alcohol and drug treatment facilities be made offered to those in Altamont which are culturally appropriate and supply treatment in their native tongue if required. Since Native Americans and Alaska Natives often use drugs or alcohol because of cultural difficulties, it is evident that such problems may be a problem in treatment. If the rehab center understands these problems, treatment will go much smoother and there will be a significantly better probability at full rehab. For instance, rehab which is supplied in the native tongue of Native Americans and Alaska Natives will ultimately result in superior outcomes for these cultures in Altamont, due to the fact this will make certain that each and every phase of the process is understood by both client and rehab specialists.
- Wasatch Mental Health Center
Wasatch Mental Health Center can be found at:
1165 East 300 North
Provo, UT. 84606
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish, Native American Or Alaska Native Languages, Other Languages
Payment Categories: Self Payment, Private Health Insurance