Advent, WV. - Addiction Treatment For Adolescents
It's an indisputable fact that many adolescents in the United States begin using drugs and alcohol at a very young age, and a great many even develop a dependence or addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. For adolescents in Advent that end up addicted to drugs, adults will need to take every action possible to get the issue resolved before it is far too late. Or in the end, substance abuse will lead to circumstances that could cause serious consequences in a youngster's future and any indications that drugs or alcohol are in the picture need to be handled immediately. There are drug and alcohol rehab centers for adolescents accessible around the Advent area, several of which cater only to adolescents and also have treatment experts on hand trained specifically in helping this age range.
- TASC of Southeast Ohio
TASC of Southeast Ohio can be found at:
499 Jackson Pike
Gallipolis, OH. 45631
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Addiction Treatment For Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Rehabs For Senior Citizens, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Treatment - Men, Drug Rehab Help for Criminal Justice Clients, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment - Oasis Behavioral Health Services LLC
Oasis Behavioral Health Services LLC can be found at:
689 Central Avenue
Barboursville, WV. 25504
Treatment Services: Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Services, Outpatient Drug Abuse Services, Addiction Treatment For Adolescents, Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Services, Drug Rehab for People With HIV/AIDS, LGBT Drug Rehabilitation, Drug Rehabs For Senior Citizens, Drug Rehabs For Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Drug Treatment - Women, Drug Treatment - Men, Drug Rehab Help for Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Categories: Drug Rehab - Self Payment, State Financed Drug Rehab, Private Pay Health Insurance